Bible Programs for the Commodore 64/128
The Bible and the Commodore 64

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This page is devoted to Jesus Christ my Savior!

Over the years, I have written a number of BASIC programs for my Commodore 64. I love my Commodore 64, and wanted to use it to enhance my Bible studies, and enjoyment!

Recently, I re-worked many of these programs, created a menu system and put them together on a disk. You will find more information about this disk, as well as a few Public Domain disks that I have available below.

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Bible Programs for the Commodore 64/128, and Table of Contents

What is the Gospel?
The Bible Student's Disk - 1
Hot Topics Disk
Public Domain - Church Accounting Disk
Public Domain Disk - 1
Public Domain Disk - 2
About the Author
Ordering Information
Links to Other Resources

The Bible Student's Disk - 1

This disk is a compilation of some of the programs I have written over the years. These programs are separated into different categories.

Educational Programs - These will help teach the order of the books of the Bible, their authorship, dating etc.

The Bible Quizzer - This program will help you keep track of your progress.

The Orthodoxy Test - This theological seminary test can help you determine if you are orthodox in doctrine.

The Gifting Quiz - This quiz will help determine where your natural giftings and strengths are.

The Cult Quiz & Cult Info files - These programs will help to teach you a little about some of the cults.

The Bible Games - a variety of games based on the Bible.


$6.50 - USA
$8.00 - Canada
$10.00 - international

Payment must be in US funds.
Prices include s&h.

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The Hot Topics Disk

This disk is currently only single-sided. It is a menu driven series of brief Bible studies, that looks into some of the "Hot Topics" (controversial) in the realm of Christianity. Each topic is approached from a conservative study of the Bible. DO NOT order this disk, if you do not believe that the Bible is the ultimate authority for truth.


$4.50 - USA
$6.50 - Canada
$10.00 - International
All funds must be in US currency.

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Public Domain - Church Accounting Disk

This is a PD disk, which I have not actually used. It does boot up, and looks OK, but no guarantees!


$3.00 - USA (all others inquire)
One PD disk, may be requested for FREE with each Bible Student's Disk.

No fee is charged for the PD software. The fee covers the material, and time.

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Public Domain Disk - 1

This disk contains a variety of Bible related programs. Such as: Bible Study Helper; Meditation; Swan Song; etc.


$3.00 - USA (others inquire)
One PD disk is FREE with an order of the Bible Student's Disk

There is no fee for the PD software. The fee covers time and materials.

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Public Domain Disk - 2

Another variety of Bible related programs. Including: a number of Gospel preaching programs; quizzes; and educational programs.


$3.00 - USA (others inquire)
One PD disk is FREE with an order of the Bible Student's Disk.

There is no fee for the PD software. The fee covers the time and materials.

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If you have some PD Bible software, and would like to contribute it to this effort, please e-mail me. I will swap disks that I have for PD or personal Bible Software.

I have been working on a second Bible Student's Disk; however, that will not be completed in the near future. (Life is just way to busy!) I will get back to work on it someday ... stay tuned!

I have just started working on a menu driven text disk. This disk will feature official USA government documents, and other historical writings, that will show that America was intended to be a Christian nation! I hope to include full texts of various papers (the Mayflower Compact for example), with the lines showing evidence of our godly heritage highlighted. Please e-mail me, and let me know if you are interested in this type of a disk.

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About the Author

My name is Robert Dallmann. I am a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am licensed by Elim Fellowship of Lima, NY. I have served in full-time ministry, working with the homeless and young people in New York City. I am also a BASIC programmer for my Commodore 64.

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Links to Other Christian Resources

- Warriors of the Sword - Christian Martial Arts Ministry
My Coin Page - I am a bit of a collector.

Links to Other Commodore Resources

LoadStar - Great C=64/128 support - Software club subscriptions. Jeff Jones' Compleat Old and New Testaments are available here.
Jim Brain's Resources - Excellent source of C=64/128 information
The Long List - Resource list maintained by Roger Long
Creative Micro Designs - The major producer of C= hardware . I believe CMD also distributes SOGWAP's BibleSearch programs!
CaBoom - A powerful Commodore specific Search Engine

Miscellaneous Links

My eBay auctions!
Starting Point - Search Engine

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Ordering Information

Send me an E-mail and include the following information:

Your Name
E-mail address
The disks that you are interested in.
And any other information you think might be helpful.

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To the best of my knowledge, all the software on this site, that is stated to be Public Domain (PD), is in fact PD, or some other form of freely distributable software. If you know of programs on this site, that are stated as PD, but are in fact not, please let me know. I will remove any such programs. Thank you!

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